July 19, 1969

July 19, 1969 By Steve O’Connor   Saturday night. Jack Lee stopped at the corner of Westford and Coral and leaned against the street sign. “Out of shape,” he muttered. He should never have taken the desk job at the Post Office. Up until five years ago, and for the…

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Lowell Lists: General Court

Another installment of Lowell Lists. Today, the State Senators and State Representatives who have represented Lowell in the General Court from 1970 to the present. State Senator – 1st Middlesex B. Joseph Tully – 1970 Philip L. Shea – 1980 Paul J. Sheehy – 1984 Nancy Achin Sullivan – 1990…

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Middlesex County Elected Officials

Another installment in our Lowell Lists series. Here is the roster of elected officials who have held the Middlesex County offices of Sheriff, District Attorney, Clerk of Courts, Register of Probate, and Register of Deeds from 1970 to the present. The date that precedes each name is the year that…

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“Galápagos Islands” and Other Haikai and Poetry from “ELSEWHERE” by Maeve O’Sullivan

If 2020 is the year for armchair travel, Maeve O’Sullivan’s Elsewhere provides readers with an epic trip. Now in its fourth edition, it features haiku, haibun (a mix of prose and haiku), and long-form poetry. The writing captures a solo, around-the-world journey that took place in the fall of 2016…

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“After the Storm” by Nancye Tuttle

Thanks to Nancye Tuttle for sharing this story which originally appeared in the Portland Press Herald. After the Storm By Nancye Tuttle ‘Don’t pick up the baby. Whatever you do, don’t pick up the baby.” My father-in-law’s voice boomed over the intercom from the flying bridge of his vessel, the…

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