“Known in the whole world”

“Known in the whole world” – (PIP #24) By Louise Peloquin On March 20th, the International Day of Francophonie, it is fitting to remember that, for decades, French echoed in the streets of Little Canada. L’Etoile’s main objective was offering its readership a wide variety of articles in French. Since…

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Happy Blog Birthday

This blog celebrates its 17th birthday this week. It was born on March 11, 2007. I purchased the URL “richardhowe.com” a year or two earlier in preparation for my 2006 reelection campaign for register of deeds. Once that campaign was over, I added Lowell City Council election returns to the…

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Tick … Tick … Tick …

Tick … Tick … Tick … By David Daniel I am haunted by clocks. Last weekend brought the semiannual conspiracy of mass self-deception wherein we pretend to alter the space/time continuum. Sure, I know. It’s good to have a little more daylight at the end (or the beginning) of the…

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Consumers are Complaining – 1917

“Consumers are complaining” – (PIP #23) By Louise Peloquin Food prices, shortages, rationing, accessibility and distribution have always made the news. Media outlets cover the very same topics today. As the editorial below demonstrates, L.-A. Biron and his readership were impacted by food accessibility and the allegedly inefficient administrative management…

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Review of new books on Bob Dylan & Allen Ginsberg

Review of new books about Bob Dylan & Allen Ginsberg Reviewed by David Daniel [This article originally appeared in Arts Fuse.] Books reviewed: Material Wealth: Mining the Personal Archive of Allen Ginsberg compiled and annotated by Pat Thomas. Powerhouse Books. 256 pages. $58.  And: Bob Dylan: Mixing Up the Medicine…

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