What follows is another excerpt from Charlie Gargiulo’s memoir “Farewell, Little Canada,” in which he describes growing up in tumultuous times in the mostly French Canadian-American neighborhood that once existed close to the big bend in the Merrimack River. This is the second excerpt published on this blog, which we…
Elected to the Lowell City Council in 1971 as a 20-year old Lowell State College student, Gail Dunfey lost her 1973 reelection campaign, but as this brochure from that 1973 election makes clear, she went down fighting. Although she only served one term on the council, Dunfey is a key…
Today’s Globe has a great story about August 18, 1967, the night the Red Sox star right fielder and Massachusetts-native Tony Conigliaro was hit by a pitch, a fastball, in the face and suffered a devastating injury. I still have clear memories of that night and even wrote about it…
Why are reporters from the N.Y. Times and other media outlets using the term “left-wing” to describe people who oppose racists of all kinds, Nazis, anti-Semites, anti-LGBTQs, christian fascists, and other hate-mongers? Isn’t it the American way to denounce these forms of inhumanity? Isn’t the American creed about pursuing liberty,…
Yesterday the square at Nesmith and Chestnut Streets ( at the north end of Kittredge Park) was dedication by the City of Lowell in honor of WWII Navy aviator ~ Navy Cross, Silver Star and Air Medal with three stars recipient ~ James W. Sweeney. Before family, friends, Mayor Kennedy,…
The following is an excerpt from Charlie Gargiulo’s memoir about growing up in Lowell’s Little Canada neighborhood in the 1960s during the time when political leaders had targeted the area for wholesale destruction in service of an economic redevelopment policy fueled by government money. The process was called Urban Renewal,…
Lowell Walks resumes tomorrow after taking last weekend off for the Lowell Folk Festival. The walk begins at 10 am at Lowell National Park Visitor Center. The topic is the Northern Canal Urban Renewal Project and it will be led by Chris Hayes and Aurora Erickson. Completed in the late…
Book launching for HISTORY AS IT HAPPENS: Citizen Bloggers in Lowell, Mass. Saturday, August 5, 2017, 11:30 am to 1:30 pm, at Lowell Telecommunications Corp., 246 Market St, Market Mills, Downtown Lowell. The book has writing and pictures from the first ten years (2007-16) of the RichardHowe.com blog. Forty contributors…
We have a new poem from Tom Sexton today, which he sent from his home in Alaska. In this new composition Tom recreates an extended moment in his Lowell youth, reflecting on a kind of confusion most of us have experienced. The details are just right in this self-portrait of…
This is the third batch of those who contributed works to History as It Happens: Community Bloggers in Lowell, Mass. our forthcoming book of community writing by more than 40 contributors to this website over the past ten years. (See the first group of contributors here and the second group…