Turning on the heat

At 5 am it was 39 degrees outside and 59 inside. Under normal circumstances I would have turned up the thermostats last night and enjoyed the first hours of a long stretch of forced-hot water temperature comfort within my home. But the weather people all say the coming weekend will…

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RIP Steve Jobs

Apple Computer founder Steve Jobs past away last night at the age of 56. Jobs was a true revolutionary, a genius that changed the way people communicate all over the world. In 1984 Apple introduced the Macintosh Computer to the world. Below is a video of Steve Jobs (29 years…

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UML debate video: candidate closing statements

Video clips follow of each candidate’s closing statement in the order they gave them. Elizabeth Warren went first and so is displayed below. Links to the other candidate’s statements follow that: [youtube]yy9qHbtQKB8[/youtube] Alan Khazei closing statement Herb Robinson closing statement Marisa DeFranco closing statement Tom Conroy closing statement Bob Massie…

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