New UMass Lowell-Boston Herald Poll: Occupy & Tea Party Fare Better than Wall Street and Government

FROM UMASS LOWELL PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICE AND CENTER FOR PUBLIC OPINION 11/06/2011 By Christine Gillette, (w) 978-934-2209, (c) 978-758-4664, If you have trouble viewing the charts in this release, please e-mail Nov. 6, 2011 Backers of Opposing Groups Largely Share Dislike of Government, Corporations; UMass Lowell Holds Forum…

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Elizabeth Warren in Lowell

When, at the end of her introduction of Elizabeth Warren at the Butler Middle School today in Lowell, Congresswoman Niki Tsongas said “They will rue the day they didn’t appoint her” to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, she tapped into the enthusiasm of the overflow crowd and of the…

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A resilient tree

The birch tree that I planted back in 2004 along the property line has grown tall with three distinct trunks. Last Sunday morning, with its leaves weighed down by heavy wet snow, each of the three trunks was bent over nearly touching the ground (photo above). While there were no…

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Frank Phillips: Tsongas Seat at Center of Redistricting Stand-off

Frank Phillips – veteran Globe writer and longtime observer of the political scene in Massachusetts – writes today about the redistricting stand-off over the Fifth Congressional District seat currently held by Niki Tsongas. The point at  issue is – as I blogged about yesterday – the House plan to cut…

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