
Greater Lowell Area Democrats (GLAD) To Gather on Saturday January 15, 2011 for Business Meeting and Caucus Training

The first regular breakfast meeting of Greater Lowell Area Democrats for the New Year will be held this Saturday January 15, 20011  at 8am at the Independence Grill at the Radisson Hotel in Chelmsford. The regular agenda will include: discussion of the upcoming Democratic Convention caucuses (February 5th- 19th); the 5th District…

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Sarah Palin Responds

Does Sarah Palin REALLY not know the difference between true “debate” and using language with images of weapons and violence to refer to people that disagree with her? Seriously, does she really NOT see the difference? Sarah Palin: “America’s Enduring Strength” from Sarah Palin on Vimeo.

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Taking A Step Back

I’ve spent the past few days reading media reactions to the shooting in Tucson. There have been many calls for more civility, for more gun control, and better treatment of mental disorders, but I haven’t seen much in the way of accepting responsibility. I am not looking for the Sarah…

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