Views from a Central Street sidewalk
Another example of Tony Sampas’s amazing eye for great photos of Lowell. These from a sidewalk on Central Street.
Read More »Another example of Tony Sampas’s amazing eye for great photos of Lowell. These from a sidewalk on Central Street.
Read More »This past Wednesday was the 235th anniversary of the birth of the US Navy. That fact is not in dispute but the identity of the birthplace of the US Navy is a controversial topic. Five communities claim the honor. Philadelphia maintains that on October 13, 1775, the Continental Congress voted…
Read More »Is former Democratic Attorney General Tom Reilly for real? Is there really anyone who doesn’t believe Reilly’s endorsement of Republican Charlie Baker yesterday is nothing but a childish action motivated by his sour grapes attitude. In 2006 Tommy thought he had the Democratic nomination for governor wrapped up before the…
Read More »Massachusetts State Senator Steven C. Panagiotakos – (D) Lowell Greater Lowell Area Democrats (GLAD) will honor Massachusetts State Senator Steven C. Panagiotakos as the 2010 Distinguished Democrat at the Annual Fall Breakfast Brunch on Sunday October 24, 2010 at 10am at Lenzi’s in Dracut. For more information or to reserve a…
Read More »Less than halfway through his first term, Obama has compiled a remarkable track record. As president, he has rewritten America’s social contract to make health care accessible for all citizens. He has brought 100,000 troops home from war and forged a once-unthinkable consensus around the endgame for the Bush administration’s…
Read More »Here’s the schedule for the 2nd annual Boston Book Festival. Note that the featured authors include Tom Perrotta and Ann Hood, who were two of the big names at this year’s Kerouac Literary Festival in Lowell. Also highlighted are poet and writer Nick Flynn, who appeared at the 2008 Massachusetts Poetry Festival…
Read More »Yesterday about noontime there was a political demonstration in front of Lowell City Hall. About 30 people ralled with a big drum, Republican candidate signs, and handmade placards. The demonstrators were campaigning for GOP candidates. Someone told me it was a Tea Party gathering, but I can’t say that for sure.…
Read More »One of our essential contributors at is a student at Harvard University, which is an accomplishment that I deeply admire. Knowing that he and others like him are out there makes me hopeful about the future every day. My observation here is not about the institution, but about the people who desire…
Read More »From Bill Foss: All – As Shakespeare wrote: “ It is the stars, The stars above us, govern our conditions.” Thanks to all of you who signed up for tonight’s Star Party at Fort Hill Park. Due to the weather conditions we have re-scheduled to Thursday evening November 4th at…
Read More »Lowell-born Medal of Honor recipient David McNerney will be buried in Houston this Saturday. Below is a segment from a Colorado TV news program about the man who will deliver McNerney’s eulogy. LTC Richard Sauer (ret) was a platoon leader in the company of which McNerney was the First Sergeant.…
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