Flip video camera: RIP

I was an early adopter of the Flip video camera. Small, simple and inexpensive, the Flip yielded many interesting videos for me. I’ve urged many people to buy one of their own. Flip’s popularity was confirmed two years ago when Cisco, the wildly successful computer networking company purchased Flip for…

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Lowell in 1926: Lowell High School

The commemorative booklet published in conjunction with Lowell’s Centennial in 1926 contained brief sketches of some of the city’s most significant buildings. Here’s what was written about Lowell High School: In preparation for the erection of our new High School building, which was completed and occupied in 1922, all the…

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20% down to buy a house

A Washington Post article reprinted in yesterday’s Globe reported that the Obama administration and federal regulators are proposing that federally backed mortgages in the future only be granted to borrowers who are able to make a down payment of 20% of the purchase price. With the median US house price…

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April 12, 1861

The American Civil War began 149 years ago today. The city of Lowell played a prominent role in that conflict so over the next week or so I plan to highlight some key events that occurred on each day back in 1861. The South Carolina coast is characterized by numerous…

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Czech Dance & Music at UMass Lowell This Thursday, 7.30 pm

UMass Lowell on Thursday evening will host internationally acclaimed folk artists from Prague in the Czech Republic who are touring New England.  “From Southern Bohemia to Mexico” is a joint project of two dance groups, “Motak” and “Dvorana.” The two dance groups are accompanied by music from “Kvitek.” The performance, free and open…

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