Spelling is a Sport

Erin McKean tells us in today’s Boston Globe “The Word” that spelling bees are no longer just the realm of students in grammar school. You remember those days. Every school – both public and private – in the Greater-Lowell area had a spelling bee that sent the winner to a…

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I Want My Green TV

Who knew? There’s a sustainability trap in the cable TV box. Front page report in NYTimes today about the energy-sucking cable TV boxes and allied home entertainment gadgets that are not designed with “green” in mind at all “because nobody asked us to use less [energy],” according to one “box…

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New York and marriage equality

Last night, when New York became the sixth state in America to legalize same-sex marriage, it was an event of great historic import, but from this Massachusetts perch, it was a bit anti-climatic. Contrary to all the predictions of Western Civilization as we knew it collapsing back in 2004 when…

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