National Catholic Schools Week 2012 ~ “Catholic Schools: Faith. Academics. Service.”

It is National Catholic Schools Week! The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2012 is “Catholic Schools: Faith. Academics. Service.” The annual observance officially started yesterday –  the last Sunday in January and will run all week to February 5. Schools typically celebrate Catholic Schools Week with Mass, open houses and activities…

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The Future of Books

Books were very much on my mind this weekend. I’m nearing the end of “Midnight Rising: John Brown and the Raid that Sparked the Civil War” by Tony Horwitz. The book is about the abolitionist John Brown’s attack on the armory at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia (now West Virginia) that hardened…

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Peace and Tranquility

Over at there’s a gathering discussion about the condition of the quality of life after dark in downtown Lowell. A comment by a reader named Jane stands out. She reported that she changed her mind about moving into the downtown after reading/hearing about recent disturbances on the streets and…

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