Interesting coverage of Billerica election

While searching the web last week for information about this past Saturday’s town election in Billerica, I found a hyperlocal blog covering the town called “Can’t get there from here”. It’s written by Jeff Parenti, a civil engineer who works in Cambridge and lives in Billerica where he serves as a Town Meeting representative. Here’s the blog’s pre-election “Billerica Voting Guide 2012” and here’s some post-election reaction and analysis in a post called “Total Apathy: Billerica Skips 2012 Election.”

Since our focus on this site tends to rest on happenings in the city of Lowell, it’s good to locate other sites that provide coverage of area towns, so I’ve added “Can’t Get There from Here” to our blogroll in the right hand column. Please continue to check it out.