Lowell Then: Model Cities Program (1968-72)

From 1968 to 1972, Lowell participated in a new urban redevelopment program that had been launched as part of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society” legislative broadside. The federal programs were intended to lift up the many Americans facing dire economic and social challenges. Lowell Mayor Edward J. Early, Jr., moved…

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Why we crave sugar

In a New York Times Op-Ed yesterday, Daniel Lieberman, a professor of human evolutionary biology at Harvard, offers an evolutionary explanation for our obesity epidemic and provides some context for the ongoing debate over limiting or taxing portion sizes of sugary soft drinks and other sweets. The essay is not…

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The Mill City Triathlon

From the video description: The Mill City Triathlon is a great event held at the Lowell Beach on the Merrimack River in Lowell Massachusetts. The swim is an out and back in the Merrimack River. The bike course is a rolling course in Lowell and Tyngsboro followed by an an…

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June 6, 1944 – D-Day

I didn’t want the anniversary of D-Day to pass without comment. Below is a repeat of the post I did today for the LowellDeeds blog. Above and far below are photos from a family visit to Normandy back in 2004. The Allied invasion of Normandy – D-Day – occurred 68…

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‘This Is Dalton Jones’

Last Friday, I received a surprise call at my UMass Lowell office. I was in a meeting off campus, so was not there to pick up the phone. Later in the day, I got an email message explaining what had happened and telling me to check the voicemail. I joined the…

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Memorials vs Museums

Sunday’s New York Times has a very interesting article about the difficulties faced in establishing a Sept 11 Museum in New York City. While it sounds like the museum commission has been totally inclusive in soliciting opinions from all involved, emotions are still too raw and still too diverse to…

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