Halloween ~ An Irish Tradition

Halloween has always interested me – not just for the trick-or-treating or the costumes or parties, but for its beginnings as “All Hallows Eve.” While Halloween might be celebrated all around the world, it is steeped in Irish tradition, culture and in its both pagan and Christian heritage. Long before Christianity arrived in Ireland, Halloween…

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This is a shout out to City Manager Bernie Lynch, Assistant City Manager Adam Baacke, the Police Department, and the rest of the City Hall team who helped synchronize the traffic signals between the Thorndike-Dutton streets blend up through the intersections of Dutton-Broadway, Dutton-Market, and Dutton-Merrimack. As a regular on that…

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Hurricane Sandy edition

Not much to report thus far today (Monday, October 29, 2012). The rain has fallen as a heavy mist/light rain since last evening. The wind which was a steady breeze yesterday and this morning is now a constant low growl outside the window. Almost all schools were cancelled today. The…

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The web gives us disturbance, uproar, commotion, and confusion for synonyms of “turmoil”—words that fit both the weather forecast and political forecast. A storm is not really an outside force since we are in nature, but there’s a sense that something is coming to get us, to make trouble on…

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Got generators?

After losing power for five days after last Halloween’s snowstorm, I vowed to get a generator before the next major weather event. I procrastinated a bit but last week, well before any talk of Hurricane Sandy, is began serious shopping. Here’s a photo I took at Lowe’s on Chelmsford St…

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GLAD Annual Fall Brunch

The Greater Lowell Area Democrats held their Annual Fall Brunch this morning at Lenzi’s in Dracut. Many Democratic candidates were in attendance. The main speaker was Congresswoman Niki Tsongas but the person who was given the most attention was Bruce Mann, the husband of Elizabeth Warren. Mann made a compelling…

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