Lowell City Council Meeting – August 26, 2014

City Auditor Report: 2009–2014 Surveillance Spending Report.  Mayor relinquishes chair to Vice Chair Leahy.    Mayor finds many things troubling including that names of investigative subjects were blacked out on original invoices.  This should be investigated.  Says the city should have a list of people who were followed.  Also dismayed that…

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“Meanderings” by Jim Peters

Jim Peters returns with some end-of-summer observations:      It has been a very good summer.  On my television show, I have been blessed with a bevy of guests who  are all interested in what is happening to Lowell.  The City Councilors, the candidates for State Representative, the business persons,…

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Fat Dumb and Happy

 John Edward teaches economics at Bentley and UMass Lowell. He’s a frequent contributor of columns on economic issues. Here is his latest: America is the land of opportunity, isn’t it? Free-market capitalism, I thought, is the prevailing economic regime. Economics is the science of incentives. Profit is the ultimate incentive.…

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