The Epidemic Strikes Lowell: 1918

Recent headlines report the spread of the coronavirus around the world which makes it a useful time to recall perhaps the deadliest epidemic to ever strike Lowell. It was influenza but was also known as the Spanish Flu or the grippe. It struck in the fall of 1918, just as…

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Tom Sexton: New Poem

We have a new poem from Tom Sexton in Alaska, an avid reader of the blog and regular contributor. Tom’s Lowell poems will be published by Loom Press later this year in a collection titled Cummiskey Alley. Tom grew up in the city and now counts among his honors his selection…

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City Council Report: Feb 2, 2020

Here are some items of interest from the Agenda for the upcoming Lowell City Council meeting followed by the MINUTES of last Tuesday’s meeting. Both are edited to emphasize Council motions and responses and other reports or items that deserve attention Council Motions for February 4, 2020 meeting Councilor Elliott…

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