
Keeping Cool

The temperature was in the 90’s yesterday. It is going to be in the 90’s today and tomorrow, then, according to local forecasters, it will cool down to the upper 80’s for the remainder of the week.  So with all this heat and humid around, how do you keep cool?…

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Born on the 4th of July

I  always wished I had been born on the fourth of July…can you just image your birthday being filled with parades, fireworks and barbeques every year?. Who cares that the celebration is not for you…it doesn’t matter. It would be a blast anyway (excuse the pun). Below is a list…

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UMass Lowell Falcons

“A pair of peregrine falcons nesting on the roof of the 18-story Fox Hall at UMass Lowell successfully hatched 2 chicks this spring. On June 2, a team from the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife checked their status & put I.D. bands around their legs. As usual, the chicks’…

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Memorial Auditorium, Lowell, Mass

I came across an article from the November 22, 1922 issue of “The American Architect and Architectural Review” on the Lowell Memorial Auditorium. I’ll reproduce it in three parts over the next few days. Part I: The Lowell Memorial Auditorium was created by an act of legislature authorizing the City…

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Raytheon, Good News for the Valley

Once again Raytheon brings good news to the economy of the Merrimack Valley. Last week the US government granted Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems a $73 Million contract to upgrade the Patriot Missile System for two partner countries, Taiwan and Kuwait.  The Andover company’s stock increased to $52.31 after the announcement…

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