The Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities, and Energy gave a favorable report to expansion of the Commonwealth’s “bottle bill” and an adjustment in reimbursements to redemption centers. According to a report by David Abel on the Boston Globe’s BreakingNews site: For the first time since the landmark bottle law took…
The Lowell Summer Music Series charges ahead this weekend with ’90s alt-rockers Cake on Friday and singer-songwriter Joan Armatrading on Saturday night. Think of the presenters for the next couple of days, and give the Woodstock cheer: “No rain, no rain, no rain.” For ticket info and the full schedule,… has a lead story by Globe business reporter Rob Gavin about the need for workers in Massachusetts with mid-level skills for jobs in pharmaceuticals, health care, insurance, and more areas. Based on a new employment study, the article makes a strong case for more emphasis on community college programs to…
Kudos to Glenn Prezzano for making Merrimack Valley Magazine better and better with each issue. As a region, the Merrimack Valley needs this kind of publication to develop and maintain a distinct personality and image. The combination of local content, local writers, local photographers and designers, and business talent is…
We’ve just scheduled several guided tours of historic Lowell Cemetery for the coming months. They are still a ways off, but you can at least get them on your schedule: Saturday – August 14 – 10 am Friday – September 10 – 1 pm Saturday – September 11 – 10…
National columnist E. J. Dionne in his latest essay charts a route out of the political thicket for the Obama-led Democrats, but he senses a nagging lack of passion among the “D’s” and sees “I’s” trending toward the GOP for the fall. Read Dionne’s essay here, which I picked up from…
Bob Dylan said you don’t need a weatherman to tell which way the wind’s blowing. Bob Forrant says we shouldn’t wait for the economists to tell us which way the economy went, but should seed the clouds ourselves to make some money rain. Read his latest take on the regional economy in…
The Massachusetts Office of Tourism has been reminding us by e-mail and on the official web site that last year: “The Special Commission Relative to Designating 1000 Great Places in Massachusetts was created by an Act of the Legislature and signed into law by Governor Deval Patrick on January 15,…
Really. Op-ed columnist Ross Douthat says the US needs a better targeted class fight that should pit “savers v. speculators, outsiders v. insiders, the industrious middle class v. the reckless, unproductive rich.” Read Douthat here, and consider subscribing to the NTY if you appreciate the writing.
Following is the second section of my poem “Colorado,” which I introduced yesterday. The Blood of Christ or Sangre de Cristo Mountains are in southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. The range is either the beginning of the Rocky Mountains on the way north or the last stretch of the Rockies heading south.…