The biggest surprise to me this fall is the absence of massive youth demonstrations in favor of President Obama or at least in opposition to the trickle-down, “voodoo” economics that is still the favorite approach of the national Republican leaders. I thought for sure after last fall and winter that…
For the past few weeks, I’ve been posting new South Common haiku on my Facebook page. For those who are not into the FB thing, following are some that got the best responses.—PM . Return of the South Common Haiku . Mourning doves en groupe. Red hawk atop gray steeple.…
It’s been a little painful to read and hear all the complaints about how poorly President Obama presented his case in the first debate in Denver. I have no idea why he was “flat” or “didn’t show up,” as some commentators have described it, but it made me think about…
The world premiere of Jack Kerouac’s only full-length play, “Beat Generation,” is set for next Wednesday, Oct. 10, at Merrimack Repertory Theatre in partnership with UMass Lowell. The media buzz is building around this major event. The Sun, Eagle Tribune, Globe, Associated Press/New York City, WCAP-AM radio, WBUR-FM radio, BBC radio,…
On Saturday, October 13, at 3.30 pm, Tom Sexton will be at the Parker Gallery of the Whistler House Museum of Art reading from his new book of Lowell poems, “Bridge Street at Dusk,” and signing books for his loyal readers as well as those who have just discovered him.…
The photo above – U.S. Sen. John F. Kennedy, left, and Vice President Richard M. Nixon square off in their first televised debate Sept. 26, 1960, in Chicago before CBS moderator Howard K. Smith. (Chicago Tribune) – shows the stark and low tech image of the first Kennedy-Nixon debate –…
The debate tonight. Massive crowd. UMass Lowell looked fabulous. Five years of Chancellor Meehan came together in a national event. It was major league. Bigger than Division 1 hockey, as much as I like hockey. The building looked super in the red-hot media spotlight. Marketing videos on the jumbotron catalogued…
Lynne at Left in Lowell posted about yesterday’s Harvest Festival at Rotary Park, the Mill City Grows coming out party that knocked the garden boots off everybody who attended. What a fabulous event, and what a fantastic symbol of where Lowell is going with its invigorated neighborhood and community activism.…
This will be a great event for young leaders to attend—participants in Public Matters, Gr Lwl Young Professionals, Next Generation Giving Circle, Paul Sullivan Leadership Institute, Emerging Generation, Deshpande/MV Sandbox leadership program, the Foundation, and others. Peter Stamas’s life is a sterling example of community leadership. . Here is what…
John Silber, the former president of Boston University and the 1990 Democratic nominee for governor of Massachusetts died yesterday. The Globe has a big story about Silber’s passing and I’ll leave it to that newspaper to record the highlights of his life, but I thought readers might be interested in…