Current Events

Dem Convention Notes

“We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor”—that’s the way the Declaration of Independence wraps up. July 4, 1776.  In a country founded on that principle, you would think that the theme of “We’re all in this together” would bury the opposite: “You’re on…

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More tours in Lowell

Yesterday’s New York Times carried a story about the soaring popularity to bus-borne guided tours conducted by the Hollywood gossip website, TMZ. Unlike the classic Hollywood tour that gave visitors a peek at Clark Gable’s swimming pool, the TMZ Tour shows you where Halle Berry totaled her car when she…

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“Nobody Beats the Fizz: Lowell’s Engines of 21st Century Development” by Bob Forrant

UMass Lowell Professor Bob Forrant shared the following essay that explores the relationship between the city of Lowell, the University, and the National Park: Introduction For thirty-seven years I’ve lived and worked in Massachusetts industrial cities and for the last twenty-five I’ve thought a lot about how cities like Springfield,…

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A City plagued by trash

Walking around downtown early Saturday morning, I was impressed by the state of cleanliness in the sections I traversed. UML Professor and Centralville resident Bob Forrant had a far different experience on a lengthy weekend walk through several neighborhoods. Bob posted the following on “Innovative Cities: Lowell” Facebook page, which…

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Wounded Warriors

I watch “Morning Joe” on MSNBC for a while most days to stay on top of the latest national political gossip. This week, I have seen several times an ad for the Wounded Warrior project narrated by a Country music singer. I’ve had this thought before, but seeing the ads…

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