Mimi Parseghian previews tomorrow night’s Lowell City Council meeting: Mainly due to the return of weekly meetings, this Tuesday’s City Council agenda is light in items but it will be a significant evening in that a major vote will be taken. At the conclusion of the scheduled 7:00 p.m. meeting,…
2018 Lowell Plan Breakfast This year’s Lowell Plan Breakfast was held on Friday, October 5, 2018, at the UMass Lowell Inn & Conference Center. The theme of the event was “collective vision” for the city. The morning began with remarks from two recent graduates of the Public Matters program.…
Mimi Parseghian previews tomorrow night’s Lowell City Council meeting: The Council is back to weekly meetings so this week’s agenda is a bit lighter than those for the previous months. MOTION RESPONSES: Bicycle Safety: Motion (3/6/18) by Councilor K. Cirillo “Request City Manager provide a report for budgeted cost and…
Citywide Family Council Last Wednesday night several hundred people gathered at the Lowell Senior Center for the first meeting of the Citywide Family Council, the new name for the Citywide Parent Council which had ceased operation over the past five or ten years. This week’s event was hosted by the…
The fall tours of historic Lowell Cemetery will take place this weekend. Both tours begin at the Knapp Avenue Gate (77 Knapp Ave, Lowell) and last about 90 minutes. They are free and require no advance registration. The tours (both cover the same content) are: Friday, Sept 28, 2018, at…
Mimi Parseghian previews tomorrow night’s Lowell City Council meeting: This week’s City Council meeting agenda features the First Reading of a major vote of the City Council: A Loan Order/Land Acquisition Bond to borrow $2,600,000 to pay costs to acquire, by purchase, eminent domain or otherwise, the following property [75…
Kinetic Sculpture Race For the third year in a row, yesterday’s Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race was a big success. A kinetic sculpture is an all-terrain, human-powered art sculpture engineered to race over roads, water, mud and sand. The race kicked off shortly after 10:30 am on Market Street with 11…
Welcoming Week Lowell Congratulations to the organizers of the first-ever Welcoming Week Lowell which kicked off Friday night with a parade of flags that originated at different points around downtown and converged on the front steps of City Hall for a celebration of the city’s immigrant heritage. Events continued yesterday…
This coming Saturday, September 15, 2018, at 3 pm, I will present a program on “How to Research the History of Your House.” The event is sponsored by the Tyngsborough-Dunstable Historical Society and will be held at the Little Red Schoolhouse which is at 198 Kendall Road (Rte 113) in…
This evening at 6 pm I’ll present a seminar on the Massachusetts Declaration of Homestead at the Cameron Senior Center, 20 Pleasant Street, Westford. The event is free and open to the public. Recording a Declaration of Homestead at the Registry of Deeds protects your home from creditors. Tonight I’ll…