The New Politics: Avoiding the Media

The New York Times today profiles Nevada US Senate candidate Sharron Angle’s apparent strategy of avoiding contact with the mainstream media at all cost. Angle is the Tea Party candidate who went from longshot to Republican nominee despite gaining national attention for suggesting the people should pay for their health…

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UMass Lowell Falcons

“A pair of peregrine falcons nesting on the roof of the 18-story Fox Hall at UMass Lowell successfully hatched 2 chicks this spring. On June 2, a team from the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife checked their status & put I.D. bands around their legs. As usual, the chicks’…

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The Supreme Court and gun control

Today’s decision of the United States Supreme Court in McDonald v Chicago came as no surprise. This case involved a citizen’s challenge of what he considered an overly restrictive gun control law in the city of Chicago. Two years ago, the US Supreme Court clarified the long-ambiguous 2nd Amendment to…

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Anniversary of the Irish Civil War

The Irish Civil War began on June 28, 1922. It was fought between the provisional government of Southern Ireland (which became the Irish Free State on December 6, 1922) and the IRA members who were unwilling to accept the Anglo-Irish Treaty of December 1921, which had formally established the Irish…

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Ellen Murphy Meehan Returns As Tsongas Campaign Chair

 Back in 2007 – Ellen Murphy Meehan served as  Campaign Chair for Niki Tsongas’ run in the special election to replace Marty Meehan. Marty served as Congressman from the Fifth Congressional District from 1993 to 2007.  Tsongas loyalists and supporters just got the message by e-mail – Ellen Murphy Meehan is…

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