“Meanderings” by Jim Peters

Frequent contributor Jim Peters sent the following essay: I was just thinking of some of the things we should be remembering, and they may pass us in the wind. Remember the smell and taste of Educator Cookies? I have a friend who remembers going to the area where they dumped…

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Twitter Turns Five Years Old

Happy Birthday Twitter Yesterday, March 21, Twitter turned five years old, and did you know… Experts estimate that one billion tweets are sent each week? And did you know Facebook offered to buy Twitter in 2008 for $500,000 and now Twitter is worth between $8-10 billion? And members of the…

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Getting mad and getting even don’t always sync by Marjorie Arons-Barron

The entry below is being cross posted from Marjorie Arons-Barron’s own blog. Check it out. The public can derive enormous satisfaction from taking action against public worker misfeasance, malfeasance, nonfeasance or just plain nuisance, but that visceral satisfaction can be short-lived, whether you’re talking about ending “hack holidays” or even…

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Enforcing “No Right on Red”

A letter to the editor in today’s Sun caught my eye this morning. A suburban resident had been ticketed for taking a right turn on a red light at the intersection of Chelmsford and Plain Streets. The intersection has “No Right on Red” signs, but the writer said the sign…

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John Leahy to run for City Council

The Lowell Sun is reporting that School Committee member John Leahy will not seek reelection this fall but instead will run for the Lowell City Council. (Gerry Nutter is attributing the same news and the news that Leahy’s School Committee colleague, Dave Conway, who was rumored to be considering a…

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