Good Friday 1984: The Cold War turned hot

For two years in the early 1980s I was assigned to the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment as an intelligence officer. The unit’s peacetime mission was to patrol the border between West Germany and Czechoslovakia/East Germany. The patrols were conducted by troops on foot, in vehicles and in helicopters like the…

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Easter Dinner

We were fortunate to have a full table for the family Easter dinner at home this afternoon. We had ham from Alpine Butcher, small red potatoes, green beans, and pineapple on the side. For dessert there was an apple pie and vanilla ice cream, plus assorted homemade cookies and a…

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Community Briefing on Pawtucket Falls Area Projects, Sat. 4/30

What? “A Community Briefing on Pawtucket Falls Overlook/Spalding House Park Developments.”  Learn about exciting plans for improvements and upgrades that will enhance public access to and visibility of these significant historic locations on both sides of the Merrimack River at the falls.   Who? Speakers from City of Lowell, Lowell National Historical Park,…

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