‘Watch Our Show?’: By Joe Blair

Joe Blair grew up in Westford, Mass., and now lives in Iowa. He is the author of By the Iowa Sea: A Memoir, a story about a family in a small town which Oprah’s magazine “O” described this way: “so raw and true you’ll gasp.” On his Facebook page, Joe…

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Pearl Harbor Day

The following was first posted on December 7, 2017. U.S. Navy photograph of battleship Arizona sinking after being hit by Japanese air attack on Dec. 7, 1941. National Archives photo. Today is the anniversary of the surprise attack by the Japanese navy on Pearl Harbor. By the time the attack…

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Gubernatorial Elections: 1970-2022

Governor Charlie Baker’s announcement this week that he will not seek reelection to a third term as the governor of the Commonwealth will make the 2022 state election especially interesting. With that in mind, here is a synopsis of each gubernatorial race from 1970 until now. 1970 Governor – Francis…

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No Hitter

No Hitter By Mark Cote My mother told me that when we were young, my sister had a way of finding wounded animals; birds that couldn’t fly, rabbits that couldn’t jump, stray cats with twisted tails, bringing them home and playing nurse maid, feeding and caring for them until they…

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It Sticks with You

It Sticks with You By David Daniel “Ouch,” the new kid whined. “Owww.” I looked back. He was red-faced and struggling to keep up. He’d strayed off the woods trail and into briars. Beneath the hem of his plaid Bermudas and above his glaringly white tube socks, small berries of…

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Boarding School Blues: Chapter 25

Boarding School Blues: Chapter 25 By Louise Peloquin Ch. 25: The Food Fairy “Venez, entrez! Come on in!” Ma Tante Lucie’s squeaky voice called out to her Pied Piper husband who immediately led four smiling children into the tiny house. A description of London’s pea soup fog came to Blanche’s…

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November Football Memories

November Football Memories By Dean Contover The first Lowell High School game I attended was when I was a young boy living in New York City with my parents. In November 1958, my relative George Tsanezakos and his friends came down from Lowell to stay in our home. They were…

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Food Nostalgia

Food is a big part of Thanksgiving. For several weeks we’ve seen articles and features about how to cook a turkey or how to make new or traditional side dishes. With the division of labor in our house making me the primary cook, I pay attention to these things. Thanksgiving…

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