No tours of Lowell Cemetery this weekend

Back during the summer, there was confusion about the dates of this fall’s tours of Lowell Cemetery. One set of tours were originally set for today and tomorrow (Sept 30 and October 1) but that quickly had to be changed because of circumstances beyond my control. Even though all advertising…

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King Cotton & CW

Cotton production is today’s topic in the Disunion series on Civil War history in the NYTimes. Frederick Law Olmsted shows up as a journalist rather than a landscape architect in this installment. Historian Susan Schulten of the University of Denver is today’s author. Read it here, and get the NYT…

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River Reach Park at Lowell’s Pawtucket Falls

Today Congresswoman Niki Tsongas joined officials from the Lowell National Historical Park, Lowell Parks and Conservation Trust, and the city of Lowell to celebrate the opening of River Reach Park. Located behind the historic Spalding House this new park provides an exciting location for interpretive programs at the Pawtucket Falls. She…

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