Occupy Best Buy

I couldn’t help but note the irony of the above photo from yesterday’s New York Times. It shows tents erected by shoppers outside a Best Buy store. They want first crack at the incredibly inexpensive but in short supply electronics goods that were to go on sale in the early…

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A memorable Thanksgiving

November is one of my favorite months. It always begins with an election, either local or statewide, next comes Veterans Day (which I’ve always seen as a day of honoring those who have served in the military and not just some random day off from work). Mid-month brings my birthday…

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Thanksgiving Day Quiz

  “The First Thanksgiving” by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris Thanksgiving Day Quiz: On what ship did the Pilgrims sail to “America”? Where was the first Thanksgiving celebrated?  What year? Name the truce  signed by the Pilgrims following the landing. Name three foods served at the first Thanksgiving? What Indian tribe was…

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November 23, 1984 ~ “Hail Mary”

On this day – November 23, 1984 – a mark was forever left on Boston College football history when scrappy quarterback Doug Flutie threw a last-second “Hail Mary” touchdown pass to Gerard Phelan in the end zone, giving Boston College a 47-45 win over the University of Miami. This pass…

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