Armand Mercier, RIP

A picture of Armand P. Mercier who passed away today. Armand is in the front right of this photo wearing a blue sports jacket and a great smile. Joining him in the photo are the members of the Lowell City Council elected in November 1999 on Inauguration Day in January…

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A Year Ago…

I took this photo a year ago trying to give a sense of that crazy winter weather to family and friends living in Florida and elsewhere. Remnants of the snowfall of December 26, 2010 through January, February, March and April of 2012 lasted well into Spring.

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“The Voice of the Turtle” trailer

[youtube]NXr5BQ6Ywv8[/youtube] The MRT has released a new trailer for its latest production, “The Voice of the Turtle” which runs from January 5 through January 29. Here’s what the MRT writes about the play: The Voice of the Turtle by John Van Druten runs through January 29 at Merrimack Repertory Theatre.…

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Decentralized Publishing

Dick’s post about changes in journalism applies in many respects to what has been happening in the publishing sector (books and magazine and e-pubs) since the 1960s, when the mimeograph machine made it easier to mass-produce written material. Remember those school test papers in faint purple ink? Editors, writers, and…

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