Vineyard Winter: Lost & Found

Our far flung correspondent Ray LaPorte sends the following from one of the local papers on the island he calls home. Read closely. Ray said a poet could make something of this list.–PM Martha’s Vineyard Times FOUND Black Helix cash box. Call 508-693-4658. LOST CAMERA Canon Elf lost in Gay Head…

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Flags at half-staff

At work I subscribe to an email service from the Governor’s office that notifies recipients anytime the Governor orders flags to be flown at half-staff. The text of one that arrived today went something like this: Please be advised that Governor Patrick has ordered that the United States flag and…

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Archdiocese of Boston Losing the Chancellor

The Boston Globe is reporting that the current Chancellor for the Archdiocese of Boston James P. McDonough has decided to step down after six years on the job. Complimenting McDonough for getting the finances of the archdiocese on a sound footing, Cardinal Sean O’Malley announced that he has chosen John E. Straub…

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