National GOP in Disarray; President Obama Consolidating Message, Support, & Resources

Since I’m not a party member, I’ve been watching the Republican presidential nomination contest as an interested audience member—it has been a show, but one with profound consequences. Hearing the morning radio news about former US Sen Rick Santorum winning three states last night confirmed was I was sensing from…

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Dickens and Middlesex Community College

Happy bicentennial birthday wishes to one of the most famous visitors ever to Middlesex Community College, Mr. Charles Dickens himself! That is the first sentence of a wonderful entry about the famous author Charles Dickens’ visit to Lowell posted on the Middlesex Community College blog. Its titled… “The Dickens, You…

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Don’t Take the Train Away

I was encouraged by the large crowd that gathered last evening in the City Council chamber to speak against proposed decreases in train service to Lowell and increases in the cost of riding the train. As I said at the public hearing, it is mind boggling to think that in 2012…

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Mediocre Bowl

This isn’t sour grapes. I’ve watched some or all of every Super Bowl. Unless you are a fervent Giants fan, you probably agree with me that last night’s game was mediocre. Aside from the 96-yard drive to a TD by Brady and friends and that fantastic sideline catch made by…

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Western Avenue Lofts

Yesterday I joined a tour of the still-under-construction Western Avenue Lofts at 150 Western Avenue in Lowell. Adjacent to the better-known Western Avenue Studios, Western Avenue Lofts is a two-story brick building bordering the Pawtucket Canal that is being transformed into 50 rental live/work spaces for artists. The building is…

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