April 19 – 1775 and 1861

In one of those coincidences of timing that make history such a fascinating topic, volunteer soldiers from Middlesex County who just days before were farmers and mill workers were the first to be killed by enemy fire in the American Revolution (on Lexington Green on April 19, 1775) and in…

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Paul Revere Alarm Map

Around 10PM on the evening of April 18, 1775 Paul Revere and Williams Dawes set out on horse to Lexington to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams that  British troops were moving on Concord. On April 19, positioned on Lexington Green rebel farmers fired “the shot heard around the world”.…

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April 19, 1861: Lowell men killed in Baltimore

151 years ago tomorrow, 214 soldiers from Lowell who just days before were mill workers, lawyers and laborers, were attacked by a pro-Southern mob as they marched through Baltimore on their way to reinforce undefended Washington against an imminent Confederate attack. The northern troops were members of the Sixth Massachusetts…

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More Merrimack Valley Political News: Northern Essex Register of Deeds Candidates Etc.

The scent of vulnerabilty surrounds the position of  Northern Essex Register of Deed . Until yesterday, Register Robert Kelley was the target of former Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi. With Manzi now focused on the First Essex State Senate race, two other Democrats are now taking aim at Kelley. In recent months…

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In the Merrimack Valley: Manzi “In” for First Essex District State Senate Seat

 Former Mayor of Methuen Bill Manzi (from the files of the Eagle Tribune) Since former State Senator Steve Baddour resigned from his seat on April 1 to join a prestigious Boston law firm, rumors have been running around the Valley about a possible successor. Would former State Senator and Baddour-mentor Jim Jajuga…

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