Dancing in Old Lowell

History was always my favorite topic in school and my interest in the subject has only grown stronger as the years have passed. One reason I find it so fascinating is that everything has a history. I’m interested in the history of Lowell but I’m also interested in the history…

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Presidents Play Golf!

There seems to be lots of hoo-hah about President Obama’s quick trip to Florida to play golf on this Presidents’ Day weekend. The press didn’t like its photo access being cut-off, others harrumphed  that the First Lady and the girls are out West skiing and some just think this President…

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Greater Lowell Area Democrats (GLAD) To Meet Tomorrow ~ Saturday February 16, 2013

Reminder for next GLAD Meeting This coming SATURDAY! Greater Lowell Area Democrats Regular Breakfast Meeting Members of 3MAD Will Join Us! Saturday February 16, 2013 8:00 AM Independence Grill at the Radisson Hotel Rte. 110 in Chelmsford Please join us at this meeting of area Democrats. Marie Sweeney, GLAD Chair…

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