Today in Tewksbury ~ Historical Society Program: “The Great Cartridge Company Explosion of 1903”

  The aftermath of the Tewksbury Cartidge Company Explosion, 1903 The Tewksbury Historical Society is holding its annual New Members Meeting today –  Saturday, March 2, 2013 at 1:00pm  at the Tewksbury Library at 300 Chandler Street. The event is open to the general public and will feature  Kim Zunino  as…

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Let’s Review

Columnist Charles M. Blow in today’s NYTimes has it right when he points out how dishonest U.S. Rep. John Boehner’s comments are when talking about taxes and President Obama. In collaboration with the Congress, Republicans and Democrats, the President approved tax cuts for 82 percent of taxpayers at the end…

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Bill McDermott and me

The Boston papers today carry stories of the sudden death of William A. McDermott Jr., a 67-year old attorney from South Boston who has long been recognized as one of the state’s election law experts. McDermott died Wednesday night when he was struck by a car after leaving his South…

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Boulevards and Parking Spaces

I confess to having missed the last couple of council meetings and I was late tuning in last night, but when I did, I caught a portion of the debate about adding traffic and parking along Fr. Morissette Boulevard. Whenever I hear the council debating the merits of on-street parking…

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