Michael Geary appointed Acting City Manager

Special meeting to appoint acting City Manager effective March 10, 2014. Kennedy moves that the council appointment Michael Geary acting city manager effective March 11, 2014 and that appointment stay in place until a permanent manager is hired. Councilor Martin says he supports Geary but he wants to address the…

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Marty Walsh paints the big picture by Marjorie Arons-Barron

The entry below is being cross posted fromMarjorie Arons-Barron’s own blog. If Boston Mayor Marty Walsh can avoid giving away the store in the next rounds of union negotiations,  he’ll save some money to help fund some of his promised initiatives. He avoided discussion of the challenge of union money demands this morning when he laid out his…

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Week in Review: February 2, 2014

Last week I purposely avoided any mention of Mayor Murphy’s portrait for several reasons. Like the Nativity Scene controversy and to a lesser extent, the controversy over board appointments, I considered it a diversionary tactic used by some to draw attention away from important matter such as the process for…

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“Lunch Money” at Lowell High

Last night the students of the Lowell High Theatre Troupe took over the Little Theatre to perform three short plays by Lowell’s own Jack Neary before a packed house. The first play, “Talk Back”, featured the director of a play in a post performance question and answer session with the…

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