Shotspotter technology and the City Council

After posting my Week in Review column earlier today, a reader named Joe left the following comment: About a decade ago Ed Davis wanted to bring the shot spotter gunshot detection system to Lowell. I forget the reason but it never materialized. This week I watched councilors Belanger and Rourke…

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Lowell as ‘Bingopolis’

On the Lowell Memorial Auditorium website, I found this fascinating nugget in Ed Harley’s history of the building—PM “After its dedication in 1922, the Lowell Memorial Auditorium hosted a variety of conventions, civic and religious affairs, and programs of purely recreational or educational values. Liberty Hall became the home of…

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Beatles 50 Years Ago

Fifty years ago on February 9, 1964 the Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show. Their performance is a part of  music history. Two years after the Sullivan performance, the Beatles came to Massachusetts. It was 1966 and I was fifteen years old…and I loved the Beatles (as I still…

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Week in Review: February 9, 2014

Special City Council Meeting On Monday night the city council held a special meeting for the purpose of selecting an acting city manager from the date Bernie Lynch’s resignation takes effect until a new city manager takes office. The council voted unanimously to appoint current city clerk Michael Geary to…

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Adventures of Ivy (dog videos)

I’ve long urged people to start producing short videos about life in Lowell. Content more than quality is the point. Flood the internet with a video record about everyday things that we take for granted but when seen in video might help us appreciate them more. Back in January, I…

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Tewksbury Democratic Caucus

Democrats in Tewksbury today gathered at the town library this morning to conduct a caucus to elect delegates to the 2014 Democratic State Convention which will be held on June 13 and 14 at the DCU Center in Worcester. Candidates running for statewide office must receive the votes of more…

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