Greater Lowell Area Democrats (GLAD) To Meet Tomorrow ~ Saturday May 10, 2014

Reminder ~ the next GLAD Meeting is tomorrow ~  SATURDAY! The next regular breakfast meeting of Greater Lowell Area  Democrats (GLAD ) will be tomorrow  Saturday May 10, 2014 at 8:00 AM SHARP! in our usual location in the Independence Grill at the Radisson Hotel Rte. 110 in Chelmsford. Note: This is earlier in the month than usual. Two…

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City Council meeting: May 6, 2014

I had another commitment earlier tonight so Jack Moynihan kindly covered the first 40 minutes of the meeting until I was able to get online. Thanks Jack! Meeting called to order at 6:35 by Mayor Elliot Councilor Samaras asked for a moment of silence for a deceased teacher whose name…

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Municipal WIFI for Lowell

Some online followers of Lowell politics have created a drinking game called “double poles.” Every time a city councilor at a city council meeting utters the words “double poles” (as in two telephone poles standing side-by-side) participants in the game take a drink of an adult beverage. It’s a joke,…

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