The Irish in Massachusetts

Shortly after Lowell received its charter in the early 1800s, the city adopted a seal.  Many people confuse the motto – “Art is the handmaid of human good” – with the seal.  True, the motto rings the seal but the seal is a type of mural in miniature that tells…

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Grossman at the top – in all but polls by Marjorie Arons-Barron

The entry below is being cross posted from Marjorie Arons-Barron’s own blog. The Democratic gubernatorial debates ended last night. Three decent, intelligent individuals with strong commitment to Massachusetts and public service.  Notwithstanding Attorney General Martha Coakley’s double-digit advantage in the polls, it is Treasurer Steve Grossman who has emerged as the…

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18th Middlesex Rep debate at UMass Lowell

I attended the debate of the candidates for the 18th Middlesex Representative District which was held this evening at UMass Lowell’s new University Crossing building.  The following are the notes I took during the debate.  It’s not a verbatim transcript but it gives you a pretty accurate account of who…

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Lowell in the Legislature: Part 1

Next Tuesday, voters in the 18th Middlesex District will go to the polls to select the Democratic nominee for the rare vacant state representative seat that was created when Kevin Murphy resigned to become city manager.  For that reason, this seemed like a good time to trace the lineage of…

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‘The Mills Weren’t Made of Marble’: Lead Editorial, NYTimes, Labor Day, 1992

Since the mid-1970s, Lowell has been the subject of many regional, national, and global media reports (newspaper, magazine, radio, TV, and web) because of its distinctive national park and award-winning urban revitalization rooted in the preservation and celebration of its industrial, architectural, natural, and cultural heritage. The late Dr. Patrick…

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