A Region of Lasting Importance

For anyone who needs a reminder about the distinctive region around us, just check the new issue of the New Yorker magazine with two major articles about historical happenings and people from our general area. Our local history keeps making news. Pulitzer Prize-winner Stacy Shiff writes about “The Witches of Salem:…

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Hamilton Canal District Update

Last night City Manager Kevin Murphy provided an update on the Hamilton Canal District to about 40 people gathered in the Enterprise Bank’s Community Room at 18 Palmer Street. Councilors Corey Belanger, John Leahy, Jim Milinazzo, and Bill Samaras attended as did Celeste Bernardo, the Superintendent of Lowell National Historical…

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Lowell Week in Review: August 30, 2015

With the eleventh installment of Lowell Walks completed yesterday, we’ve surpassed the 1000 mark – 1097 to be exact. That’s how many people have participated in these Saturday morning walking tours of downtown Lowell. Blogging colleague Paul Marion speculates that the collective good will of all these participants has influenced…

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