Lincoln at Gettysburg ~ November 19, 1863

One hundred and fifty-two years ago, on Nov. 19, 1863, famed orator Edward Everett – who served as U.S. Representative, U.S. Senator, the 15th Governor of Massachusetts, Minister to Great Britain, and United States Secretary of State, taught at Harvard University and served as its president – delivered a two-hour speech at the Gettysburg National…

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Lowell City Council Meeting: November 17, 2015

Vote to appoint a City Auditor. Councilor Leahy instead moves to repost the position. Councilor Belanger says he supports the motion but says we should emphasize that in addition to the stated salary, it includes a $4500 stipend for being on the retirement board. Councilor Kennedy concurs with these suggestions…

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Lord Overpass Meeting Report

Last evening (November 16, 2015), the city of Lowell’s Department of Planning and Development held a public meeting at the Senior Center on the Lord Overpass Redevelopment project. More than 100 residents attended. The meeting opened with remarks by City Manager Kevin Murphy, State Senator Eileen Donoghue, and State Representative…

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Lowell Week in Review: November 15, 2015

Lord Overpass Public Meeting Tomorrow night at 6 pm at the Senior Center at Broadway and Fletcher, the Lowell Department of Planning and Development will hold a public meeting on the Lord Overpass renovation project. The consultants who are designing the new version of the Overpass will be on hand…

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Electing Lowell’s Mayor

For those of you interested in who will become Mayor of Lowell for the next two years, here is some history of past Mayoral elections: 1966 – Monday, January 3 – Edward Early – elected unanimously on the first ballot. Sam Pollard, Bob Maguire, John Cox, Richard Howe, Tom Crowley,…

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