Lowell Week in Review: November 27, 2016

Police Department Update Earlier this month (on November 14, 2016), Lowell Police Superintendent Bill Taylor visited the Highlands Neighborhood Group meeting and shared his thoughts on crime and the opioid epidemic. Here is what he had to say: Taylor opened by saying that the police department today is “doing remarkably…

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Lowell and Immigrants

Lowell and Immigrants By Mimi Parseghian With the election of Donald Trump and the threat of withholding federal funds to states and cities that do not “cooperate,” the issue of “sanctuary cities” has come to the forefront. The words are a misnomer; sanctuary city is a not a legal term.…

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“Thanksgiving” by Paul Hudon

Thanksgiving By Paul Hudon Thanksgiving this year falls on the 24th, the eighth anniversary of the press conference when president-elect Obama announced his nomination of Tim Geithner as Secretary of the Treasury and Larry Summers as Director of the National Economic Council. And so for me, this Thanksgiving is the…

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Lowell Week in Review: November 20, 2016

Walkability I often write about walkability. Making Lowell a more walkable city – and getting more people walking, biking, and using public transportation – would yield many benefits. Here are a few: Economic Development Last spring, GE (formerly known as General Electric) stunned many when it announced it was moving…

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