Lowell Week in Review: March 24, 2019

Pailin Park Watching the city council’s discussion Tuesday night of the proposal to change the name of Clemente Park on Middlesex Street to Pailin Park left me confused. That’s probably because many of the councilors themselves seemed confused about what was going on. The matter came before the council as…

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“Context Rules” by Paul Hudon

Historian Paul Hudon, the author of The Valley & Its Peoples: An Illustrated History of the Lower Merrimack and All in Good Time, his poetry collection, shared the following essay: Context Rules paul hudon Somewhere in the past George Burns and Gracie Allen are talking politics. George is asking Gracie…

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Impressions of Lowell: 20 Months and Counting

Impressions of Lowell: 20 Months and Counting                          By Emily Ferrara A recent addition to our Literary Lowell roster, Emily Ferrara writes about her initial impressions of Lowell: I once wrote a poem that referenced “the smokestacks of Kerouac’s Lowell”, but it was only a fleeting image in a journey to…

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Lowell Week in Review: March 17, 2019

Recycling On Thursday we posted a report (“Recycling Revisited”) from Judith Durant on the new rules of recycling as presented by Gunther Wellenstein, the city’s Solid Waste/Recycling Coordinator at Monday’s Highlands Neighborhood Association meeting. At that meeting, Judith obtained a “Massachusetts Universal Recycling List” handout but was unable to find…

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