Willie (Nov 2, 2010)

History as It Happens: Citizen Bloggers in Lowell, Mass. (2017) captures the best writing from the first ten years of this blog, an unsettled time for the economy, politics, technology, and culture. The book, featuring many writers, documents the local story and offers commentary on national and global matters that touched our…

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Musing on Moxie’s Lowell Roots (Aug 5, 2007)

History as It Happens: Citizen Bloggers in Lowell, Mass. (2017) captures the best writing from the first ten years of this blog, an unsettled time for the economy, politics, technology, and culture. The book, featuring many writers, documents the local story and offers commentary on national and global matters that touched our…

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Obamamania in Nashua (Jan 6, 2008)

History as It Happens: Citizen Bloggers in Lowell, Mass. (2017) captures the best writing from the first ten years of this blog, an unsettled time for the economy, politics, technology, and culture. The book, featuring many writers, documents the local story and offers commentary on national and global matters that touched our…

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Denis Barrett of Ireland Shares His Nation’s Joy About Joe Biden’s Victory

Two days ago, Denis Barrett, coordinator of Cork Learning City, wrote to colleagues including John Wooding, former professor and provost at UMass Lowell who leads Lowell: City of Learning. The two partner organizations promote lifelong learning in their cities, and this year brought out the Cork-Lowell writing anthology ATLANTIC CURRENTS,…

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New Poem by Doug Sparks

Dog Walk at Harold Parker By Doug Sparks We walk in the woods when I should be at work. Walk — that’s a word easily defined — Unlike work — of the hours and the days. Shadowed by Diogenes (I’ll spare your looking him up — an Ancient Greek, He…

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