Ayer Mill and Clock Tower in Lawrence, Massachusett The March issue of Boston Magazine has a scathing article about the City of Lawrence penned by “novelist, short story writer, essayist, critic, investigative journalist…” from Methuen, Massachusetts – Jay Atkinson entitled “City of the Damned” wherein he describes Lawrence as “the most godforsaken place in…
Thanks to the Tewksbury Patch, here’s the candidate lineup for the Tewksbury Town election that takes place on Saturday April 14, 2012. Read the full article here: http://tewksbury.patch.com/articles/municipal-ballot-set-robinson-out-sullivan-in Candidates (Final) Tookout Papers Returned Papers Board of Selectmen (2 seats for three years) I-David Gay Yes Yes I-Scott Wilson Yes Yes…
Jim Peters sent along the following essay: I have some major health issues that sometimes I can forget about; to be dredged up at another time. One of those recently caused me to reconsider running for State Committee. I was mentally ready for a run, but physically I had to…
The next regular breakfast meeting of Greater Lowell Area Democrats will be held tomorrow – Saturday February 18, , 2012 – at 8am SHARP at the Independence Grill at the Radisson Hotel in Chelmsford. The regular agenda will include updates and discussion on: ward/town caucuses for the 2012 convention delegate…
MassMoments reminds us that on this day February 11, 1812 the infamous political creature known as the “Gerrymander” was born in the Massachusetts State House – conceived by then Governor Elbridge Gerry – a staunch Democrat-Republican. Caught in a nasty campaign for control of the government, Gerry sign a redistricting bill…
The Lowell Sun is reporting that longtime Greater-Lowell Area State Senator Susan Fargo – Democrat of Lincoln – plans to retire and not run for reelection to her Third Middlesex District seat. The district includes the local community of Chelmsford as well as Bedford, Carlisle, Concord, Lexington – Pcts. 3, 8,…
For all you Superbowl fans and others who’ve seen the Clint Eastwood “Halftime in America” ad , don’t miss Washington Post opinion writer E. J. Dionne’s take today in “Clint, Rick and the limits of pessimism.” Dionne reminds us that “Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton all understood that Americans…
President Obama has had an ongoing focus on helping veterans and their families. In his State of the Union remarks last week President Obama announced his plan for American Jobs Act to spur police and firefighter hiring in 2012. This action as well as a plan patterned on FDR’s Civilian Conservation Corps are targeted towards helping veterans. Today the…
In today’s New York Times op-ed colummist Paul Krugman puts former Massachusetts Governor and GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s lack of concern for the poor “in context.” His statement: “I’m not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there.” has yet again got the pundits and his…
Senator Eileen Donoghue shares her thoughts about her first year in office as the State Senator for the First Middlesex District in a January 2012 0n-line newsletter. Her district includes the communities of Lowell, Dunstable, Groton, Pepperell, Tyngsborough and Westford. Read it all here.