
Blowellians v Townies

Growing up in Lowell in the 1960s and 70s, all of my contemporaries had as a goal to move out of Lowell as quickly as possible. Most did. I felt a similar urge but after four years away at college and another four in the US Army, I realized that…

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Scenes from Winterfest

I was downtown on Saturday morning and checked out the entries in the snowman making competition on JFK Plaza. Above is the entry from the JG Pyne Arts School; below is the one from the Butler. This walk through was the closest I’ve ever come to attending a Winterfest event…

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Deshpande Foundation Launches Campus Catalyst Program

Deshpande Foundation Merrimack Valley Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at UMass Lowell Merrimack Valley Sandbox Initiative- Campus Catalyst Competition Spring 2011 The Campus Catalyst Competition is an exciting new program where the Merrimack Valley Sandbox (MVS) Initiative will provide seed capital, up to $500 each, for innovative and entrepreneurial projects…

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