Today MassMoments reminds us that on this day March 23, 1948, Jack Kerouac noted in his diary that although it was a struggle, once he had written the first 2500 words of a 360,000 word project, he was on his way to completing his first novel “The Town and the…
Howl in Lowell recently enthused about the versatile artistry of Jim Higgins and the Flying Orb troupe of performers, writers, filmmakers, music-makers, and more. Read about this award-winning creative team based in Lowell, but whose work is speaking to people beyond the city. Jim Dyment of the Whistler House Museum…
[youtube]5ztImOoaato[/youtube] Lowell Telecommunications Corporation (LTC), the city’s public access cable TV organization, has launched its own channel on YouTube. Several staff members have uploaded promotional videos similar to the one shown above. Even though LTC operates cable TV channels, everyone there acknowledges that people’s video viewing habits are changing…
Tomorrow night at Lenzi’s our own Paul Marion will be honored by the Kiwanis Club of Greater Lowell with the Tom Kelakos Community Spirit Award. Tom was the owner of LOMEDCO medical supply company and was a member of Kiwanis for nearly 50 years. Tom’s legacy is one of quiet…
This is interesting. A collection of book covers from editions of Jack Kerouac’s classic novel “On the Road.” This was shared on Facebook by Jim Canary, the “keeper” of the famous “On the Road” scroll typescript at the University of Indiana Library. See the covers here, from UK, USA, France,…
This coming Saturday the Mass Memories Road Show, a statewide community history project organized by UMass Boston, will visit Lowell. This will be the 50th community in the Commonwealth that the Road Show will visit. Their goal is to do all 351 cities and towns in the state. The Lowell…
Remember, at the stroke of midnight tonight, Lowell’s government access programing will jump from cable channel 10 to cable channel 99. So if you want to watch the city council meeting tomorrow night – and who wouldn’t? – be sure to tune to channel 99.
Bring your Lowell photographs to Tsongas Industrial History center, located at the Boot Mills, 115 John St. in Lowell this Saturday, March 24, from 10am-3pm for a community history project. Your photos will be scanned and immediately handed back to you and you might be asked to go on camera…
While tomorrow officially is the first day of Spring, this year you have to give it to yesterday on points. After baking for two hours in the sun at mid-afternoon, my car registered 89 degrees on the temperature control inside. Outside, the heat was closer to 80 degrees, enough for…
Congratulations to Greg Page on his selection as the new Secretary to Lowell Mayor Patrick Murphy. I first met Greg back when he was a Navy Intelligence Lieutenant stationed at the submarine base in Groton, Connecticut after serving a tour with Special Operations troops in Iraq. Of all the places…