
Stephen O’Connor: A New Story

IN ST. PATRICK’S  by Stephen O’Connor . “Do you believe in ghosts?” his wife had once asked. “Oh yes,” he answered, “ghosts are everywhere.” The empty church is full of ghosts. They huddle in the pews, immigrants whispering fervent prayers and American-born families who had inherited the faith of their…

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Frank Wagner: A New Poem

Our new contributor Frank Wagner from Texas has a poem about neighborhood destruction, a subject familiar to anyone in Lowell who knows what happened in the Market Street Greek-American enclave in the Acre in the 1930s,  Little Canada in the 1960s, and the Hale-Howard district in the late ’60s/early ’70s.…

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Tom Sexton: a New Poem

We have a new poem by Tom Sexton, an occasional contributor to this blog–and regular reader of what we post here. We had Linda Hoffman’s apple orchard essay this week. So, why not blackberries . . . and fire ants? Tom and his wife Sharyn live part of the year…

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