
Neil Young & John Greenleaf Whittier of the Merrimack Valley

Today’s NYTimes includes a capsule review of Neil Young’s new recording, “A Treasure,” which features a song inspired by the writing of poet and abolitionist John Greenleaf Whittier, most often associated with Haverhill and Amesbury, but also a former Lowell resident when he was the editor of a newspaper in the Spindle City:…

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In Lowell and Beyond: Artifacts, Stories, Memorabilia, Ephemera Help Tell the Civil War Story

This “Matthew Brady Studio” portrait was probably made in the spring of 1864, around the time U.S. Grant put General Benjamin F. Butler in command of the Army of the James River. The Sesquicentennial commemoration of the American Civil War began in earnest last month. Locally, the story has been…

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