Author Archive

New Poem by Doug Sparks

Dog Walk at Harold Parker By Doug Sparks We walk in the woods when I should be at work. Walk — that’s a word easily defined — Unlike work — of the hours and the days. Shadowed by Diogenes (I’ll spare your looking him up — an Ancient Greek, He…

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New Short Story by David Daniel

New fiction from David Daniel. Windows By David Daniel A panel of writers, editors, and agents were talking on the radio about how publishing has changed, taken over by Amazon and e-books and POD, literary agents running scared, good books and bad glutting the market, most with nary a ripple…

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2020 Lowell Election Results

Here are the results of the 2020 general election in Lowell. First come the vote total of all the candidates on the ballot. That’s followed by a precinct level look at the presidential election vote. Finally, there’s a completed “scorecard” from my Tuesday morning “What to Look For Tonight” blog…

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The Morning After: 2000, 2008. 2016

I’ll write about this year’s election results on Sunday. For now, here are blogs posts or notes I wrote In the aftermath of Presidential elections in 2000, 2008 and 2016 2000 Election November 7, 2000 – Election day. November 8, 2000 – Wednesday – The polls closed 24 hours ago…

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What to Look for Tonight

The only issue on which people across the country might fully agree is that there is much at stake in today’s election. Otherwise the country is as divided as it has been since 1968, or perhaps even since the Civil War. The outcome of this election won’t mend that split,…

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