Author Archive

Celebrate with care

As this story from the Daily National Intelligencer (Washington D.C.) on New Year’s Day 1847 reminds us, be careful out there tonight and tomorrow: FATAL ACCIDENT AT LOWELL. — The Lowell Courier of Saturday states that a young man named HALL fell from the sixth story of the large Middlesex…

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Goodbye to recycling boxes

Yesterday morning I lugged my green rectangular recycling box out to the snowbank that serves as a curb and plopped it down on a level surface lest it slide away. The weight of accumulated newspapers and torn-up wrapping paper helped to hold it in place. A half dozen cardboard tubes,…

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Highlights from LTC

Here are some of the highlights from Channel 99, Lowell’s municipal access cable station for 2013: [youtube]5v-CXc1_nfE[/youtube] And here’s another video from LTC offering glimpses of some of the other programming available on Lowell cable access: [youtube]15NES_AM0kU[/youtube]

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