Lowell’s Bobby Tugbiyele forwarded to me and asked me to post the following open letter from recent graduates of Lowell High School regarding the search process for a new Human Resources Director for the Lowell Public Schools. January 10, 2019 To Whom It May Concern: In this letter, current…
Mimi Parseghian previews tomorrow night’s Lowell City Council meeting: Lowell City Council meeting agenda for this Tuesday’s meeting has a couple of motions of wide interest. And for the second week in a row, they will hold an Executive Session. MOTION RESPONSE Response to Violence in the City Motion (12/4/18)…
Hamilton Canal update At Tuesday’s Lowell City Council meeting, we learned a couple of things about projects in the Hamilton Canal District. First, the finish date for the Judicial Center has been pushed back, I think for 90 days. That would make its grand opening at the end of March…
Mimi Parseghian shares some thoughts and observations on city government and some of the projects now underway. Tuesday’s City Council discussion on the Judicial Center reminded me that the Hamilton Canal rejuvenation project started in 2004 with the $3.6 million purchase of the Fruedenberg property. City Manager Eileen Donoghue is…
ROLL CALL – all present. CITY CLERK Minutes of Cannabis Control SC December 18th; City Council Meeting December 18th, for acceptance. COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY MANAGER Petition Response: Dalton and Fisher St.- Four Way Stop (report on a citizen petition re 4 way stop). No discussion. Communication-Accept resignation of Caitlin Nover…
Mimi Parseghian previews tomorrow night’s Lowell City Council meeting The first City Council meeting of this new year has a relatively light agenda. There are no Motion Responses since most of them were provided at the closing meeting of 2018 on December 18th. Although there may be few agenda items…
Government Shutdown Day 16 The partial shutdown of the federal government reached day 16 today. For most of the 800,000 federal employees who missed a paycheck last week, this political stunt will soon be a personal financial crisis. How many of them will miss rent payments, mortgage payments, car payments,…
Mimi Parseghian, who regularly contributes her weekly preview of Lowell City Council meetings As Dick mentioned in his Lowell Year in Review , the “nine victors in the bruising 2017 Lowell City Council race” gathered on January 2, 2018 to begin the municipal meeting year. In spite of the single-issue…
My annual review of Lowell political events for this past year: The nine victors in the bruising 2017 Lowell City Council race gathered at City Hall on Tuesday, January 2, 2018, take the oath of office and to elect a mayor. Bill Samaras won that contest with five votes to…
Lowell resident Bobby Tugbiyele shared the following letter he sent to Mayor Samaras and others: Dear Mayor Samaras, Members of the LPS Personnel Subcommittee, and Acting Superintendent Durkin: I and many community members, especially those who attended the early April School Committee session, ( Read- http://www.lowellsun.com/breakingnews/ci_31782843/lowell-school-board-hears-calls-hiring-diversity ) respectfully and earnestly…