Boarding School Blues, chapter 5

Boarding School Blues By Louise Peloquin  Chapter 5: Arrival Maman parked the car in front of the stairs saying, “I should have driven up the back way. It has access to the basement so unloading your bags would have been less troublesome. But why not take the main entrance after…

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Review of President Obama Memoir

“A Promised Land” by Barack Obama Review by Richard Howe A recent Op-Ed by psychologist Adam Grant introduced me to the concept of “motivational interviewing” (“The Science of Reasoning With Unreasonable People,” New York Times, January 31, 2021). Set in the context of arguing about vaccinations with a committed anti-vaccer,…

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“Take Me out to the Ballgame,” and Other Poems by K.T. Slattery

This week Trasna is pleased to feature the work of K.T. Slattery. A native of Tennessee, who now lives in the West of Ireland, Slattery is a familiar with Transatlantic crossings. “My biggest regret / Moving across the wide ocean- / I missed that glorious day / Red Sox World Champions!!!!” We commend Slattery not…

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1970 State Election

From time to time we will post the results of past city and state election. These will be added to our “Elections and Results” page for ease of retrieval. Today, the 1970 State Election. 1970 STATE ELECTION U.S. Senate – Edward M. Kennedy. In the general election, Democratic incumbent Edward…

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